What You Will Learn in this blog.
Welcome to the prosperity blog. In this blog you are going to learn about Blogs. You are going to learn how blogs have come about and how they can be used to make money online.
Development in action
The Internet is constantly evolving. Ten years ago, there were internet services called "WAIS" and "Gopher." "WAIS" was a precursor to the search engines and "Gopher" was a precursor to the World Wide Web. To chat back then, you needed to be familiar with numerous complicated Internet Relay Chat commands that you typed in from a command line prompt. Now most chats take place from a Web-based format and are very simple to use. Ten years from now, undoubtedly, the Internet will, likewise, be something very different from what it is today.
In the past 10 years alone there have been great changes in the way the World Wide Web is being used. Some services that were purely of a military nature can now be used by any one. A good example is Google Earth and the various converters you find on the world wide web.
There are certain enduring principles that apply to the Internet, however. The Internet, so to speak, is just an information and communication tool. The Internet was designed originally to be used by advanced millitaries of the cold war era. It was also originally designed by, and intended to be used by, the military and military based research scientists. They used it to exchange highly classified information. Because of the highly technical nature of the Internet and the information it was used to communicate, a tradition of informality and personal expression evolved to soften the cold technical feel of it. That tradition can still be very much felt in the Internet today.
"Blogs" evolved out of the need to give information over the internet. Most or all this information was meant to be free for all. They are continuously becoming more popular as time goes on and I am sure 10 years from now there will be another form of information sharing altogether that might even be participatory. Forums are now a good way of information exchange on complicated issues and problems and are now used by many sites to share ideas to different areas. Blogs are now the trendy thing when it comes to information sharing.
Blogs, which are replacing motionless Websites on a growing basis, are, in my assessment, a significant evolutionary step in the growth of the Internet. Blogs provide current information from a particular perspective. Blogs provide information in a format that easily integrates with other information from other perspectives. Over time, the Internet will do a progressively more efficient job of integrating vast and diverse information and perspectives into a faultless universal consciousness. Blogs are a step in that direction.
What are blogs?
"Blog" is short for Web log. A Web log is a log that is kept and shared on internet. A log in its simplest form is a record of events in sequential order. It records events and points to sources of information about those events. It is chronological, usually with the latest entries on top and prior entries below.
Many Blogs are political. For example, when the UK recently sent military troops to Afaghanistan, I followed the events on an hour-by-hour basis by frequently visiting two or three Blogs that dealt with the events in progress. I had my choice of Blogs written from a perspective that favored the military action to those that were highly critical of it. Those on one side of that issue thought that certain events and information were very important, while those on the other side of that issue thought other events and information were very important. The people publishing these Blogs were online full-time, scouring each news release and each source of information and summarizing it from their perspective on their Blog. From these blogs I could constantly be updated on the situation in Afhaganistan. No TV, Newspaper or Radio could give me these updates.
Blogs are therefore written sequentially with each item appearing above another in terms of importance or hierarchy. A user who reads the blog can tell the one to read first but can as well link to any blog in his area of interest by selecting from the archived blogs. And if links exist in the blog he can connect to other blogs over the World Wide Web.
Blogs and E-Commerce
Blogs can be used in e-commerce. An important characteristic of a Blog in this context is that Blogs, like forums and chat rooms, bring visitors back to your blog over and over again. Blogs, if done well, create an audience that will return repeatedly. Blogs help to generate rapport between you and the visitors to your blog.
Returning visitors who build up a relationship with you through your Website or blog are exactly what you want in order to succeed in e-commerce.
Blogs also tend to do well in search engine ranking because they are information driven. As i have said repeatedly in my blog, search engines like sites with unique and useful information. Blogs are a way to provide unique and useful information. By leading with this information, you can then offer your visitors opportunities, products, and services.
How to publish a Blog
There are services that can help you publish your blog. I use blogspot.com or blogger.com. Others use wordpress.com and other blogger services. You can start a blog of your own by turning some of your website pages into a blog. All visitors at the end of the day are looking for information of some sort or another. This alone can give you the repeat visitors to your site. In a blog you simply have a set of factors you have summarized for your readers to find useful. This can of course take a good amount of time. Once published you can have your visitors reading your blog over and over again. The key aspect however is to ensure originality and also ensure you have great content.
The emergency of blogs has given rise to a new form of internet publishing. You can search for any topic and without fail you will find a blog that explains your topic.
Many blog services however limit the content of blogs to avoid abuse over the internet. Hate campaigns are not published. Content with pornography is also prohibited.
To learn more about this topic, read the links below
How to make money online 24 hours
Smart ways to make money online
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9 years ago
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