Thanks for joining me in this blog where you learn how to make money online 24 hours.
It only took me about a year before I quit my job and started making money online.
My online experience has not been so smooth as you could be thinking. I have used internet for 10 years now and what i am going to tell you will shock you. I only learnt 5 years ago that you can make money online and it is only 2 years ago that i learnt how. I can tell you withoud a shadow of doubt that my eight years of Internet were wasted. I was doing with internet what you could be doing right now. I used internet to send and receive mail, that is ok but if it is mostly business mail. I used internet to surf cool gadgets, to listen to music, to read all sorts of entertainment stories. I did not know that there were ways of making tons of cash online. The day i learnt how to make money online i sacked my boss.
I am going to show you exactly how you can make money online.
People always ask me. "What exactly do
you do to make money online?"
There are two basic ways to make money on the Internet: We shall look at advanced ways in another post.
To make money online you can;
1. Sell Ad Space - you have a website with traffic, advertisers
pay you to place their ads on your website.
2. Sell other people's products - Affiliate programs.
When someone clicks your affiliate link it redirects him to the website that runs the affiliate program. You earn a commission every time someone clicks your link and takes action. It may be making a purchase or filling a form. is the king of this. You can sign up for their affiliate
program for free, grab your unique links for any products or programs they offer,
and you earn money when people register for programs or buy products.
You can also try Click Bank and sign up for their affiliate program free.
Ring Gold or Silver
9 years ago